Training Institute Detail

Member Since, Jan 03, 2022
#103 & 104, Vanijya Vihar, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500060

About Institute


Digital Marketing is a process of utilizing the available digital channels to reach target audience and communicate the message to facilitate an action such as a sales of a product or service or a sign up.

The evolution of digital technology is connecting people, facilitating better communication and it has been creating new opportunities for the brands to reach their target audience in a better way. New tools and processes are making the marketing function easy (and at the same time complex). Easy in terms of reach and complex in terms of the amount of information to understand and put efforts in a systematic way to achieve the objectives.

The adaptation of the digital tools and processes by the brands has been increasing and it will further increase. This has created a huge need for the people who can understand the digital eco-system and help brands leverage the advantages and produce desired results. As the evolution is still under process, finding the people who can perform various activities of the digital world is increasingly difficult.

Unfortunately there are not many entities which are producing the qualified digital professionals which are required by all these brands (small, medium and big). A study in the United States of America, which has been conducted by Online Marketing Institute in collaboration with Clickz and Kelly Services shows that there is a substantial digital talent gap between what employer’s value and what talent is available to them. There is a need for talent at each level (entry, mid-tier and executive), with knowledge and skill gaps observed in the most crucial areas.

analysis of digital marketing

The report also finds that skill assessment plans lack consistent implementation, characterized by frequent dissatisfaction. There is currently a need for solid, measurable, and accurate digital talent education. As a result of these gaps agencies and brands are often perceived as behind their competitors, leading to a loss of new business and revenue.

Organizations that provide their employees ways to acquire digital marketing skills tend most often to rely on techniques that are informal and subjective to an employee’s own initiatives. For example, 45% send their employees to industry conferences and events, 43% recommends articles/written online content, and 40% use computer based orientation. The responsibility for digital marketing skill acquisition is managed by different departments with their own agendas; therefore, the overall talent gap in the market place is widened by differing levels of managerial expectations.

Convergence of Creative, Technical and Marketing Skills

One of the key challenges in today’s world is finding people who can understand the Big Picture and accordingly program and deliver. With the current speed of development in the world, timing has become the most crucial element. Candidates are expected to have multiple skill sets to perform the tasks effectively and to reduce the dependency. Brands have very limited time to execute a campaign, where they cannot afford to wait for an idea to get executed in traditional life cycle. Marketers without creative and technical skills will be taking the back seat while the people who have these skills will be actively involved to meet the requirements.

Classroom Teaching is not enough

The traditional methods of teaching theory for a long time and making the student go through a practical exercise for a short time will not be able to make them ready for the current industry now. Moreover, the need for the structured self learning is at a high level. That means, the concepts learned, have to be experimented immediately to put them in practice.

Employers will not have time to spend on training

In the current competitive world, the employers will have less time to hire and nurture a candidate; rather they will opt for resources that are ready to perform the task from day one.

Digital Ready

We have created Digital Ready program to educate more number of young graduates and make them ready to work with companies right from day one. With the vast experience we have with digital systems, communication, marketing and many other areas, we are able to understand the pain points of a company in identifying the right talent and make it work for them. The challenging experiences we have had all these years have helped us in taking the initiative to start an entity which trains eligible candidates on basic and advanced digital concepts, by providing them conceptual knowledge and hands on experience and thus make them ready to work for the hiring company. Though most of the knowledge is available on the internet for someone to learn all the elements we want to teach, our experience proved that a structured learning process helps the candidates perceive and produce, which is quite hard and time consuming otherwise.

As our program is intense in nature and subjected to eligibility in pre-assessment, we have modeled it as a collaborative program rather than a retail program.

Your Training Partner

We work with Business Schools, Companies to offer the training to their students and employees. After practically experiencing the need for qualified digital professionals, we wanted to bridge the gap between the employers and the trained professionals.


Though it is challenging, Digital Ready takes care of the placement for the student of the Business School. For this process to happen smooth, Digital Ready establishes /nurtures relationships with the employers all around world to invite them for the recruitment at the end of the program.

Course Curriculum

Our course curriculum is prepared by highly experienced professionals from around the world, and we constantly research and optimize it to meet the growing demand. Entire course knowledgebase is kept on the website and the required level of access will be given to the student. Apart from this, all the students who are undergoing the course (from business schools) will have their online profile on our website for other employers to find them. Their complete profile, links to their online experiments and many other things will be available online.

Trainers and Assessment

Training will be conducted by highly experienced industry professionals and with guest lecturers from industry experts. Students will be given a set of practical assignments, upon completion they will be assessed and given grades. To make this program successful, each candidate will be made to go through a pre-course assessment to validate their interest towards the digital marketing, communication (oral and written), analytical skills and all other required skills.

Management Team


Srinivas Vemula

Srinivas is an Engineering graduate from NIT Calicut, Kerala is passionate about teaching with his vast experience in multi-national IT companies in Singapore and USA. He has immense expertise in eCommerce, Customer Systems, Big Data, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Predictive Analysis, Python, Java, and SCALA. He is currently Infosys Lead Consultant @ Apple Inc, Fremont, Silicon Valley, California.



Chiranjeevi Maddala
Co-founder & Mentor

Chiranjeevi is an award winning digital marketing professional with 17+ years experience in Digital Media Development and Marketing. After working in the services business for 11 years as a digital business analyst, he started SWEET Digital, a digital marketing agency in 2011.

He also offers consulting services for startups, corporates and small businesses on creating digital marketing strategies, enterprise search engine marketing (SEO), content marketing, customer data and communication management. He is also passionate about nurturing digital talent and co-founded Digital Ready. Through Digital Ready he wants to create more talented digital marketing professionals that are needed by the industry.

Digital Ready is the property of Ready Mediacom Private Limited.


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