Course Detail



Course Detail

Course Description

What is it?

A website is a set of related web pages served from a single web domain. One needs to have a website to have an online presence and do online branding. These days when the world of marketing is rapidly getting swathed by digital marketing, you are actually hitting your business if you don't have an online presence and the first step towards getting an online presence is to get a website.


What is
Website Planning & Creation?


A website is a collection of webpages. It is a window to your business, available in front of your prospect customers 365*24*7. A person interested in your product/service can view those on your website anytime of the day or night!


Website planning and creation starts from understanding the basics of internet and further advances to website planning and building on Word press.


This being the first module in the training program, it emphasizes on building the basics of digital marketing starting from the scratch. This module will help you build strong fundamentals that would further help you in the advanced practical sessions.

Institute Overview

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

About DSIM Who we are? DSIM School of Internet Marketing is a Digital Vidya Company and a trademark of "Engaging Ideas Pvt. Ltd." It is a leading Internet Marketing Training provider for Corporate, Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Students. What w... Read More

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