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WEBSITE DESIGN COURSE is crafted to make freshers & beginners in website development to understand how to put together HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 & javascript in order to design an excellent website which are responsive in nature. Course teaches the student to design the website from scratch.
We are confident that after completing this course you will be able to design any complex website. We expect every student to do every class such that they get better understanding of every module.
Website Designing Course (Classroom Course in Patna) is designed in such a way that a fresher can learn it in easy way. Course is crafted in such a way that after completing it you will be able to design an interactive, beautiful & responsive website. We are quite confident that after completing website designing course you will be able to understand html5 & CSS3 and use it designing a responsive site.
Below we have listed all the modules which will be taught in the class. Every module is important. Once you complete them then you can design or edit any site.
Creating Horizontal Navigation Bar (part 1)
Creating Horizontal Navigation Bar (part 2)
Distribute Horizontal Navigation Bar To All Web Pages
Styling The Horizontal Navigation Bar With CSS (part 1)
Styling The Horizontal Navigation Bar With CSS (part 2)
Code Review
Test Horizontal Bar For Browser Compatibility And Responsiveness