Course Detail

SEO Training in Jaipur

SEO Training in Jaipur - Quibus tranings

: 1000 INR - 5000 INR

Course Detail

Course Description

Want to do SEO Training in Jaipur?

Advance SEO with knowledge of latest Google Updates, practical approach of coaching, regularly updated course content has earned us an immense reputation as the perfect institute for SEO Training in Jaipur.

Let’s first understand, what actually the SEO is? And, how can we help you to master genuine white hat SEO skills?

Highly Acclaimed SEO Course in Jaipur

Are You excited about learning SEO ?

This Classroom SEO Training in Jaipur will help you to learn and understand the latest best practices after Google Panda, Penguin, Humming Bird, and all latest Google algorithm updates. {These algorithm updates shakes the SEO world. If you’re a fresher just ignore them.}

What is SEO?

SEO training in JaipurIf you’re reading this SEO Training in Jaipur page and reached here via a search engine like Google, you certainly typed something in the search box (technically we call it search query) and pressed ‘Search’ or hit ‘Enter’. Google would have suggested you a list of web pages relevant to your ‘Search Query’, (the list is often called SERP)

Users normally tend to visit web pages that are in the top of SERP’s. If you have a question, why some of these websites rank higher than others then this is because of a powerful internet marketing practice known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


According to AJ KOHN’s definition of SEO (which I personally found the best, describing the SEO term)

Search Engine Optimization is a multidisciplinary activity that seeks to generate productive organic traffic from search engines via technically sound and connected sites by matching query intent with relevance and value.

This definition is a bit technical for the beginners, but in simple words, SEO is a planned, continuous and ever-changing web promotion technique with a single goal to increase visibility, authority, and productive traffic to a website.

Why SEO Training?

Let we share some search statistics –

  • Traffic received from the organic SEO provides the highest ROI across all industries.
  • 2018 search engine market share in indiaMore than 90% of internet users find websites using Search Engines.
  • Google shares 97.3% search market alone in India in 2018.
  • Search Engine Result pages contain both organic (Free) and PPC (Paid) links. It is found in various SEM studies that more than 80 % of users click on organic links.
  • 62% of searchers never go to 2nd page of results.
  • Top 3 organic search results control 54% of click and thus get succeed to enjoy high CTR (Click Through Rate) thus higher conversions, means more traffic, more profit.

If a website doesn’t appear in SERPs with good rankings, it’s losing a big bite of profit, and that is certainly going to the competitors. And getting the higher rankings is only and only possible by SEO – Search Engine Optimization.

Benefits of Doing SEO Course from Quibus

SEO training in jaipur- 100% practical course

If you have a website or planning to have one,

  • Doing SEO Training at Jaipur can help you to understand most of the issues hold back a website to show up in search engines with better rankings.
  • Best SEO Planning starts before the designing of a website; it saves lots of money and time.
  • SEO knowledge can help you to better monitor the SEO work if you hire somebody to do it for you.
  • If you do it yourself, SEO course can drive quality traffic to your website and generate business with least resources and team.
  • Be your own BOSS. Become an SEO consultant; provide services to other website owners by driving traffic to their websites and earn a handsome income by work-from-home. SEO is Great as a career option.
  • Get a position in professional SEO companies quickly. Most of SEO’s achieve high salaries less than 2yrs. of experience
  • Start your own SEO consultancy firm, pick projects online and start your own online marketing business.
  • At Quibus we have trained more than 600 aspirants, see the reviews here. According to our alumnis, we are the only and best SEO training institute in Jaipur which provides 100% practical SEO training.

Who can Join SEO Course?

People often ask such questions –

  • I am an undergraduate, can I learn SEO?
  • I don’t have knowledge of web designing and coding, can I Join SEO courses?
  • I am a house-wife, should I learn SEO?
  • I am a business owner, have a website but don’t have time to do SEO work, Should I learn SEO?
  • I can’t go out to do a job, can learning SEO, get me some work at home?

The answer needs some common-sense.

  1. Every website owner wants to show up high in search engines to gain more and more traffic to reach a maximum number of audience, and that’s where they need an SEO expert.
  2. SEO does not require any programming skills or specific technical knowledge; it demands regular involvement and experience.
  3. With millions of websites and many launching per day, competition is fierce to achieve a position in top 10 SERP results, therefore the need for SEO expert will increase tremendously.
  4. We provide SEO Training in Jaipur for Beginners, so anybody with a basic hand on English can join and pursue this course.

So judge yourself, if learning SEO can help you? if yes, then in what manner? But in my view

Anyone or Everyone having or would be having relation with internet to promote oneself, business, products or services, can/must learn Search Engine Optimization best practices.

Good Thing is, now you can join the best professional SEO training in Jaipur, Rajasthan by Google certified professional.

What Will You Learn in this SEO Training?

SEO is a vast and ever-changing field. What is effective today, may not be working tomorrow. SEO can be mastered by learning the basic core rules which are stable and will not change ever. Below are some topics out of our SEO Course in Jaipur.

Getting Started with SEO

  • Understanding how the search engine works?
  • How do search engine rank web pages?
  • What actually SEO is?
  • What is Local SEO?

Keyword Phrases – the Cornerstone of an SEO Program

  • Understanding the concept of keywords
  • Introducing keyword phrases
  • The keyword research process
  • Determining the competitiveness of the keyword phrase

Search-Friendly Website Architecture

  • what site architecture means to SEO
  • Domain name
  • Domain Age
  • Url – static, dynamic & SEO friendly

On-page Optimization

  • Understanding Meta tags
  • Webpage accessibility issues
  • HTML tag optimization
  • Writing effective title tags
  • Writing meta-description tags
  • Mobile SEO Optimization

Effective Content writing

  • What is good about the content?
  • Content writing strategies
  • SEO content optimization
  • Content structuring

Link Popularity and PageRank

  • Understanding link popularity
  • What is Google PageRank
  • Best ways to get links
  • Linkbait

Website performance and Server issues

  • Hosting issues
  • IP issues
  • Domain name issues
  • Performance Optimization best practices

Measuring the Success

  • Why rankings are a poor measure of success
  • Conversions and setting up goals
  • Decision making via analyzing traffic data

Tools Covered in the Course

  • Google Webmasters
  • Google Analytics
  • Tools for Keyword Research
  • SEO Auditing Tools

Overall SEO Strategy

  • Additional Resources & Tools
  • Reviewing top techniques for SEO success

This SEO training in Jaipur, Rajasthan is not limited to the above topics only but covers several day-to-day techniques that comes through the real-world experience of our trainer. (He’s working with clients and managing SEO projects of the real world)

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Jaipur, Rajasthan

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