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LearnCoz Django Online Training Course helps you gain expertise in Django REST framework, Django Models, Django AJAX, Django jQuery etc.It is an open-source web application framework which was written in Python Language.This is one of the best Django online training with outstanding Django specialist to afford online Django training course with functionality. LearnCoz Provides Best Django Online Training with Industry Django Experts. This is a Python-based full stack web application framework that allows the developers to build interactive websites using Python. And also it supports rapid development and advocates pragmatic and clean code.We focused on 100% Practical Django Courses Through this Django Training, you can simply clear the Django Certification. Django Online training course provides hands-on projects and live experience. Why learn Django?
What companies use Django?
Who is eligible for the course?
Introduction to Python
Get an overview of Python
Learn about Interpreted Languages
List the Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
Explore Pydoc
Start Python
Discuss Interpreter PATH
Use the Interpreter
Run a Python Script
Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows
Explore Python Editors and IDEs
Variables, Keywords, Built-in Functions
Strings, Different literals
Math operators and expressions
Sequences and File Operations
Indexing and Slicing
Iterating through a sequence
Functions for all sequences
Using enumerate()
Operators and keywords for sequences
The xrange()function
List comprehensions
Generator expressions
Dictionaries and sets
Working with files
Modes of opening a file
File attributes
File methods