Course Detail



Course Detail

Course Description

The focus of the PPC training will be to walk you through one of the most effective internet advertising models so that you can direct the appropriate amount of genuine traffic to the websites. As the name suggests PPC is all about pay-per-click, which means you will only be charged for your advertisement if the end user clicks on it.

Advertising with PPC is always a need of the modern-day if you want to develop your business or want to gain sky-high success. Setting aside the old advertising methods, the new and more efficient ways of advertising have hit the market with their strong and long-lasting effects. One of the most effective advertising methods in the online world is Pay per Click (PPC) also popularized as Pay per Cost.

Institute Overview

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

What We Do? Our mission is to help college students, marketers, and startups teams bring accessible, affordable, engaging, and highly effective digital marketing training. We believe that digital marketing is essential for every business; we are on... Read More

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