Course Detail

Java Course

Java Course - Technosters

Course Detail

Course Description


Advanced Java Training


The course assembles a solid comprehension of JDBC Technology. It surrenders to exhibit why Servlets are the foundation of Java's Web stage. It at that point shows how JSP is based on the Servlet design. Moreover, the class tells understudies the best way to utilize JSTL, custom labels and articulation language to diminish Java code in Web pages while adding colossal power and capacity to those pages. The class comes full circle in an investigation of Java MVC structures like Struts at a significant level. 


This isn't a class that spotlights on hypothesis. Members will discover the course is stacked with handy labs and reenactments. Subsequent to taking this class, designers will have the option to assemble Web applications that perform well, are versatile, and that are simpler to keep up.

Advanced Java Training Course Prerequisite. 

Fundamental Knowledge of Core Java is required. A comprehension of Web advances like HTML and HTTP is useful. 


Advanced Java Training Course Objective 

Get familiar with the essentials of JDBC and utilizing the various interfaces in the JDBC API. Figure out how to utilize Java servlets in the job of Web application control. Recognize the choices to state the board in a Java Web application and comprehend the geniuses/cons of each. See how JSPs can isolate Web rationale and usefulness from page design. Investigate how to make JSPs littler and all the more dominant with JSTL, custom labels and articulation language. Investigate procedures in the trading of information between Web pages (perspectives) and business preparing (model). Get familiar with the significance and significance of MVC.


Advanced Java Training Course Duration

  • 60 Working days, daily one and half hour

Advanced Java Training Course Content Overview


  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC architecture
  • java.sql Package
  • Connection, Statement, ResultSet
  • Prepared Statement
  • Callable Statement
  • Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet
  • Batch Updates
  • ResultSetMetaData
  • Simple Transaction Management
  • Four Levels of JDBC drivers, their pros & cons
  • Features of JDBC 3.0/4.0


  • Need of Server side Programming
  • Introduction to Servlets
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • javax.servlet package
  • ServletConfig, ServletContext, ServletResponse
  • Supplying initialization parameters to Servlets
  • Performing database operations in Servlets
  • Include and forward mechanisms
  • Applying filters to Servlets
  • javax.servlet.http Package
  • HttpServlet Life Cycle
  • Http request methods GET vs POST
  • HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
  • Dealing with Http headers & error codes
  • Session Tracking, purpose
  • Hidden form fields, Cookies
  • Http Session, URL rewriting
  • Event listeners
  • Web application security


  • Disadvantages of Servlets
  • Introduction to JSP
  • JSP Life Cycle
  • Creating dynamic Web content with JSP
  • Scripting elements
  • Scriptlet
  • Declaration
  • Expression
  • XML syntax for JSP elements
  • JSP directives page, include and taglib
  • JSP implicit objects
  • JSP scopes
  • Include and forward mechanism
  • Using a Java bean in a JSP
  • JSP Model 1 architecture
  • JSP Model 2 (MVC) architecture
  • Custom Tag Development
  • Classic Tags, Simple Tags
  • Error Handling in a JSP
  • JSTL
  • Expression Language
  • Processing XML in a JSP

Institute Overview

Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

Technosters About us Welcome to the Technosters (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. Technosters is one of the fastest growing companies in the field of IT Training, Software & Web Development. It is developed by professionals in the IT industry and the... Read More

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