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Introduction to Building construction (Civil & MEP Services)
Introduction to Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning
Basics of Heat Transfer: Modes of Heat Transfer in a building (Conduction, Convection, and Radiation), Forms of Heat (Sensible & Latent Heat), Temperature. TON of Refrigeration & Unit Conversion (Manually Conversion Software).
Modes of Heat Transfer in a building (Conduction, Convection, and Radiation), Forms of Heat (Sensible & Latent Heat), Temperature. TON of Refrigeration & Unit Conversion (Manually Conversion Software).
Study on Psychrometric Charts (Manual and ASHRAE Analysis software).
Properties of Air (Altitude, DBT, WBT, %RH, DPT, Humidity Ratio & Enthalpy).
The vapor Absorption refrigeration system, Vapor Compression refrigeration system, Types of Compressors, Condenser, Expansion Valve & Evaporator Coil, Vulcan Lockring (Copper Pipe joining method).
Non-Central AC, Package AC System, VRV/VRF System, Chilled Water System.
Types of Fans & its Application, Fan Laws
Types of Pumps, Pump Laws, Pump in series and parallel.