Course Detail

HVAC course

HVAC course - Taiba Engeneering Consoultant

Course Detail

Course Description

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning) Designing & Draughting


Introduction to Building construction (Civil & MEP Services)
Introduction to Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning
Basics of Heat Transfer: Modes of Heat Transfer in a building (Conduction, Convection, and Radiation), Forms of Heat (Sensible & Latent Heat), Temperature. TON of Refrigeration & Unit Conversion (Manually Conversion Software).

Basics of Heat Transfer:

Modes of Heat Transfer in a building (Conduction, Convection, and Radiation), Forms of Heat (Sensible & Latent Heat), Temperature. TON of Refrigeration & Unit Conversion (Manually Conversion  Software).

Standards and codes used in HVAC:

Study on Psychrometric Charts (Manual and ASHRAE Analysis software).
Properties of Air (Altitude, DBT, WBT, %RH, DPT, Humidity Ratio & Enthalpy).

Study on Refrigerants:

The vapor Absorption refrigeration system, Vapor Compression refrigeration system, Types of Compressors, Condenser, Expansion Valve & Evaporator Coil, Vulcan Lockring (Copper Pipe joining method).

Types of Air Conditioning systems.:

Non-Central AC, Package AC System, VRV/VRF System, Chilled Water System.
Types of Fans & its Application, Fan Laws
Types of Pumps, Pump Laws, Pump in series and parallel.

Institute Overview

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

TEC has more than a decade of experience in providing a career based training program which aims to develop quality MEP professionals. The course is designed to bridge the gap between academics and industry. The training program aims to harness your... Read More

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