Course Detail

google analytics training

google analytics training - Digital Kora

Course Detail

Course Description

Actually, almost every marketer uses Google analytics in order to increase the search engine rankings. But there are very few people out there who enroll themselves in the Google Analytics Training in Bangalore. This course will enable them to know the basics of analytics and transform themselves into expert marketer and manager. Benefits of this course This course enables the students to increase their competency to use such tools as Google Analytics and Google Adword. This course also enables you to make the most of the tools provided by Google Analytics. Also, since you will be certified more and more people will want to use your services as compare to your non-certified competitors. Components of this course This course includes various aspects which focus on the introduction of Google Analytics, understanding Google Analytics and its various structures, understanding different types of traffic, different types of Goal conversion paths and checking real-time traffic and cookies importance in Google Analytics. This course also enables its students to learn about remarketing through Google Analytics, setting up goals and tracking conversions, the importance of funnels in goal conversions and enabling automatic UTM tagging gclid. It also explains how Google Analytics exactly works and various other important aspects of Google Analytics. To sum it up, the only certification cannot guarantee the results one has to work really hard to get success in this field. This course does teach you to learn the ins and outs of Google Analytics Training in Bangalore and how to use them but this knowledge and learning will go in vain if not worked with dedication and determination. Only your hard work and sincerity will get you noticed by various companies to use your knowledge and service in order to enhance their reputation and also help them to get exposure in the world of digital industry.

Institute Overview

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In the present day scenario, having a strong online presence is not an option anymore. But, there need something more to maximize ROI. And that something is nothing but a realistic marketing strategy. Practicing that old-school marketing... Read More

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