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As the name suggests, Digital Marketing is the way to promote products and services over the internet using various mediums and forms of electronic devices. Some of the prominent devices are social media like as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, mobile phones, e-mail, etc. This type of marketing is often referred as the internet marketing, web marketing or online marketing. This style of promotion activity is making advertisement agency more dependent on the digital technology and divide market segments to target the required customer groups. For this, proper marketing research, web analytics research content management and various other factors are considered.
Although this concept is highly growing and accepted among the marketers, still it is undefined and requires special attention from everyone who is involved in any form of advertisement. So far we think that Digital Marketing involves only search engine optimisation (SEO), banner advertising and pay per click. Still, we are far from it, as this is a narrow definition. Digital Marketing also includes fax broadcast, RSS, e-mail, voice broadcast, blogging, video streams, podcasting, wireless text messaging and instant messaging. Digital Marketing has emerged as the wider scope and is providing an opportunity for everyone whether students, professionals or advertising agencies.
Clearing the concept, Digital Marketing does not include marketing through TV, radio, print and billboard as they are the different mediums and does not include instant report and feedback. The entire process includes visibility, bringing targeted traffic, engagement, lead generation, measurement and retention. This entire process concentrates on promotion, advertising, creating utility, branding and value proposition, etc. This form of advertising mainly uses laptops, palmtops, tablets, mobile phones, etc.