Course Detail

freelancing pushups freelancing pushups

freelancing pushups freelancing pushups - NSIM

Course Detail

Course Description

Get Started & Get Out of Your Own Way

You've got a burning desire to start your business, yet you find yourself procrastinating and stalling out - I'll teach you the mindset hacks for overcoming overwhelm

How to Find Your Ideal Clients

How to determine the niche that you want to work with, who will pay you well and be EXCITED to work with you - even if you're the most expensive provider in the market

Package & Price Your Services

Learn the secret to pricing based on the solutions you provide rather than the time you put in, and find clients that are excited to pay you for your services

Create Consistent Leads

Learn how easy it is to create leads for your freelance business with minimal effort - no more daily videos or building an "influencer" following

How to Land Your First $5K+ Client

Get the step-by-step formula for marketing yourself to your ideal clients and landing your first BIG client in just a couple months

How to Get to 6-Figures Working For Yourself

Create the systems you need to generate leads consistently - even while you sleep - so you can grow your small business


Institute Overview

New Delhi, Delhi, India

National School of Internet Marketing provides you maximum opportunities to earn high erudition which assist you to mould a considerable career in Digital Marketing. Online /Internet marketing industry will be a child’s play when you have compl... Read More

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