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Form this DevOps Online Training you will able to learn all the Concepts of DevOps Online Training course with real-time scenarios, live examples by real-time professionals. DevOps technology is designed with combining Development, Testing, Infrastructure, Admin and Production Support for Software Project operation in the IT industry. Currently, most of the IT Companies are using DevOps. This Course is designed to meet IT industry requirements like continuous development and version control, configuration management, continuous integration and continuous monitoring using demanded DevOps tools like Git, Puppet, Chef, Docker, Jenkins, Nagios, etc. It helps for frequent deployment of software and faster resolution of problems. Enroll today and attend DevOps demo by our real-time expert.
Introduction to DevOps
Linux Concepts
Automation Concepts
Revision Controls System
Configuration Management
Build Automation
Tomcat Web Server
Nexus Artifacts/Proxy Tool
Jenkins Framework
LAMP Setup
MySQL Database
Installation of WordPress with LAMP
Project Work