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LearnCoz Core Java Training Course will teach you Java basics, and topics pertaining to the Java programming language. This includes Conditional Statements, Exception Handling, Multi-threading, Packages, OOPs concepts, data types, exception handling, threading and no ending for the list. This course will also give you hands-on experience. Boost your career with Core Java Online course provided by LearnCoz. We provide Core java course which is systemized as per the expectations and requirements of the industries. Java is one of the most popularly and widely used language today. In this course you will learn about various concepts of core java from expertise instructor having 10+ years of experience which will help you creating a better career Why should you learn Java?
How will Core Java course help your career?
What are the objectives of Core java course?
Are there prerequisites or language requirements?
What companies use Java?
Why Java
Difference B/W Java & Other (C,C++)
History and Features of Java
Java programming format
Java Statements
Java Data Types
Class, Object, and Packages in Java
Object declaration and initialization
Package declaration
Package naming conventions
Importing packages in Java