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If you are looking for a bright career that is both rewarding and future proof at the same time, then welcome to the world of online marketing. For some this might seem new, however for others it might not. The world of technology is rapidly changing. Digital Kora provides excellent digital marketing training in bangalore and creating digital marketers in 2 months. So to keep pace with this changing technology, there must need some changes in the arena of marketing. And thus, digital marketing has been strategized. This is a multifaceted strategy that uses numerous tools and technologies. Now the question is why to marketers choose digital marketing over traditional marketing The answer is simple - it is cost-effective and more goal oriented. In traditional marketing where one need to invest millions of dollars to see some visible results on the other hand, a few dimes are sufficient to start on with online marketing. Besides, it is kind of drip irrigation type strategy where the wastage of money and resources are minimal or negligible.