Training Institute Detail

Member Since, Mar 24, 2022

About Institute

PYTHONSOFT is a leading software training institute in INDIA with an aim to provide quality training to the studennts.As a training institute we try provide strong programming skills to our students. We provide both conceptual and practical oriented training from very basics to advanced level. We provide both online and offline classes.

Er Ranjan Ku Das the Founder, has been conducting various Career Oriented programs such as workshops, seminars , Professional Training programs, campus connect programs etc. since last 8 years in at different places of Odisha .and has the credit of having trained more than 30000 BTech, MCA, BCA students from across the country over the years. Now a days coding is a must for every student irrespective of stream.Our main focus is to provide a user friendly platform where everyone can learn and achieve their goals.


  • Machine Learning Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    Machine Learning with Python   Chapter 1 Introduction What is machine learning? What is Deep learning? What is data science...

  • Python Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    Python (Core and Advance)   1. Introduction to python History of Python Why to learn python How is Python Different from other p...

  • Data Science Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    Data Science with Machine Learning and Deep Learning   Chapter 1 Introduction What is data science What is machine learning? Wh...

  • C Language Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    C Programming                         ...

  • PHP Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    PHP   HTML5 Introduction To Web What is Markup Language Basic Structure of HTML Head Section and Elements Meta Tags External Link Tags...

  • C ++ Course

    - Bhubaneswar

        C++ programming Programming Paradigms          Evolution of Programming Paradigm...

  • Advanced Java Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    Total No of Sessions      :  35 Sessions Duration of Course        :  Theory 50...

  • D Jango Course

    - Bhubaneswar

    D Jango (Web based programming using Python)   D Jango  Introduction to Web Programming HTML Introduction to HTML What are HTML Tags...

Training Institute Detail

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