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Learn to use the AWS Cloud platform to scale your business growth. Employ AWS EC2, AWS S3, and AWS RDS to seamlessly store and transfer organization data to and from AWS Cloud. Build, train, and deploy AWS Deep Learning models with Machine Learning on AWS Cloud. This program begins with an introduction to cloud computing and the evolution of Amazon Web Services(AWS). The rudiments of Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), features of EC2 and types of instances of AWS EC2 are imparted to the student. Data Storage with Simple Storage Services (S3), concepts of creating S3 bucket, storage classes, versioning, static website hosting and cross-region replication of data through S3 are elaborated in detail. Learn about AWS Relational Database Service (RDS), deploying RDS instances and much more. Apprehend Machine Learning using Amazon Sagemaker and NLP and Text Mining using Amazon Comprehend. Build Prediction Models using Machine Learning Services.